Saturn Return
Saturn Returns happen around the ages of 30, 60, and 90. It takes Saturn about 29.5 years to make its way around the zodiac (aka it takes that long to orbit the sun). Saturn Returns happen when Saturn in the sky returns to the same degree in the same sign that it was in when you were born. So it “returns” to the place in the sky that it was in when you were born.
Saturn Returns happen when Saturn in the sky returns to the same degree in the same sign that it was in when you were born.
Saturn Returns are a big deal. They mark “growing up” phases in our lives. Saturn governs responsibilities. It is the planet of our Great Work and the sign + house that it lies in our charts can give hints as to what our Great Work is in the world. So when Saturn returns to the same place it was when we were born, it pushes us towards who we are here to be, what we are here to do + to accomplish. Oftentimes this push doesn’t feel so subtle.
And often I hear Saturn Returns talked about in a way that evokes fear. And that’s understandable on some level because there will likely be some moments of uncomfortability. But if we switch our perspective and recognize that growth doesn’t happen when we are comfortable and we have to get out of our comfort zones in order to grow and evolve, then we can view this time not as something to be feared or something to just “get through”, but rather as an opportunity to level up. To step up to the plate, to step up to our responsibilities in the world. And if we take that on and go all in, we will come out the other side a changed and evolved person.
In December 2020 Saturn moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. So if, like me, Saturn was in Capricorn when you were born, we are officially done with this cycle of our Saturn Return. If Saturn was in Aquarius when you were born (see dates below), you are starting your Saturn Return and will be going through it until March 2023 when Saturn moves into Pisces.
You will be going through your Saturn return over (roughly) the next 2.5 years if you were born between these dates:
Jan 3, 1962 - Mar 23, 1964
Sept 16, 1964 - Dec 15, 1964
Feb 6, 1991 - May 20, 1993
June 29, 1993 - Jan 28, 1994
So let’s break down what that really means for all my friends who were born during those dates. Again, Saturn is the planet of our Great Work. It governs our responsibilities, self-discipline, long-term commitments. Aquarius is the sign of the individual, the humanitarian, the revolutionary, the innovator.
For those going through their Saturn Return in Aquarius, this time period is all about getting clear on what your unique gifts are, and how you can contribute them to the collective.
Because Aquarius is so forward-thinking and innovative, it might feel uncomfortable at the start - doing something that is unprecedented or that others haven’t done before. But this time is about honoring your individuality and taking responsibility for yourself. It's about getting your shit together so that you can share those gifts and, by doing so, raise the vibration of the collective.