Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde - everyone’s favorite.

We have three Mercury Retrograde cycles this year, all happening in air signs, which is significant:

January 30 - February 20 (in Aquarius)
May 29 - June 22 (in Gemini)
September 27 - October 18* (in Libra)

*sorry for the mixup in the video - the final MR ends on October 18, not 23

Anytime planets go retrograde, rather than that planetary energy expressing outwardly, it turns the energy inwards. Mercury is the planet of communication + travel + technology, and Mercury retrogrades have become notorious for throwing a wrench in each of those areas of life.

But if we look for the underlying purpose, Mercury retrogrades are a time to review, reflect, and reassess. To turn our communication inwards, to open up our inner dialogue, to get clear with ourselves.

This first Mercury Retrograde cycle in Aquarius is a time to reflect on how we can align more with our unique individuality + purpose, and how we can share that with the collective.

After this retrograde ends, there will be a period from Feb 20 - April 27 where all planets are direct and thus there is a lot of forward momentum. Full steam ahead. That period is a good time to get shit done. Put out whatever you want to. Work on big projects. Anything that requires a lot of focus + effort + energy.

That said, can we really use this retrograde cycle to get clear with ourselves about what we want our futures to look like, whether we are aligned with our purpose or not, and start implementing the necessary changes that way when all the planets are stationed direct, we can use that time to really be making moves.

**And just a little note - retrogrades don’t mean that the planets are actually moving backwards. It’s an optical illusion. Let me break it down:

All planets orbit around the sun. Because Earth has its own orbit around the sun, and we are perceiving the movements of other planets from the Earth (not the sun), there can be times where it looks like the planets are moving backwards. Again, they aren’t actually moving backwards, but from our geocentric perspective, they appear to be.

Regardless, energetically there is a shift. When planets are retrograde, their energy is expressed more inwardly. When planets are moving direct (aka forward), their energy is expressed more outwardly.


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