Saturn + Uranus Square

In 2020, all astrologers had our eyes on the dance between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. This year, the three Saturn-Uranus Squares are the biggest astrological stand-outs.

Of all the planets, Saturn is known to be the most conservative + traditional. It has a reverence for the past and doing things how they've always been done.

This year, Saturn is moving through Aquarius, the sign of the innovator + revolutionary. A conservative planet in a progressive sign. There's already a bit of tension there.

Then we add in Uranus, the planet of unpredictability and change, moving through the sign of Taurus, the sign of stability. Again, tension.

And finally, these two planets are making a square to one another. A square is a type of astrological "aspect". Squares happen when 2 or more celestial bodies form a 90 degree angle to one another. So basically 3 signs away (because remember, each sign takes up 30 degrees).

The signs that are 90 degrees apart (or 3 signs apart) don't have a whole lot of middle ground. Not much in common. They don’t really "get" each other. They are motivated by different, often conflicting, ideals. And because of this, squares are indicative of tension.

That said, the tension created by squares can also provide ample opportunity for growth and change. It goes back to the idea that growth happens when we are outside of our comfort zones. The uncomfortability forces us to evolve. It spurs us towards change, towards growth, towards evolution.

These Saturn-Uranus squares happen on the following dates:

February 17
June 14
December 23/24

On these dates, notice what comes up for you.

If you're feeling the instability that can be caused by this square aspect, make sure to do what you need to stay grounded.

If you've been feeling stuck, these dates might provide an opportunity for long-awaited change.

If you feel like old patterns + habits are holding you back, these dates (and this year in general) can be a good time to break free. To start a new cycle.


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