New Moon in Aquarius


This year’s new moon in Aquarius is an extraordinary one. Not only are the sun + the moon in Aquarius, but Saturn + Jupiter + Venus + Mercury are at the party as well. It’s what astrologers call a “stellium” - when 3 or more planets are in the same sign.

Basically, there’s a shit ton of Aquarian energy in the sky right now.

Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, the revolutionary, the individual, the exile, the innovator, the genius. It’s the sign that reminds us to be ourselves, no fucks given. It asks us to look at life with fresh eyes. To think outside the box. To tap into our unique gifts, and to share them with the collective. To not get stuck in the past but rather focus on creating a better future. And not only a better future for ourselves, but a better future for all.

New moons are always a time of introspection. A time for new beginnings. They provide us a blank slate. A time to plant the seeds that we want to nourish and grow. This particular new moon, with all of this Aquarian energy in the sky, is a good time to to get clear on who it is we want to be in this world. What we want our future to look like. How we are getting stuck in stories, narratives, or situations that happened in the past. And instead, how can we redirect that energy, and focus on creating that better future for ourselves and for the collective?

To me, new moons and full moons provide an opportunity to check in, so I also highly recommend journaling, even just a tiny bit, during these times. To be totally transparent, I don’t love journaling. I have to force myself to do it. BUT I find it to be super helpful to do each new/full moon BECAUSE:

new moons mark the start of a new cycle that then comes to fruition the following full moon
in the same sign

So for example, tomorrow we have a new moon in Aquarius. The next full moon in Aquarius happens on July 23. So during this new moon, I will journal about what I would like to cultivate - what seeds I would like to plant and nourish - between now and then. Then when July 23 rolls around, I can look back and see what has changed, and what has stayed the same.

If you’re not sure what to journal about, I’ve provided some prompts below. Also, if you have someone you feel comfortable sharing with, it can lead to some amazing conversations you otherwise might not have.

A few questions to ponder:

am I being true to myself?

who do I want to be in this world?

where do I feel stuck?

how can I see with a fresh set of eyes?

how can I get creative about what I want my life to look like?


Saturn Return