December Astrology
12.1 - Neptune goes direct in Pisces
Neptune has been retrograde since June 25th, and will finally go direct in its rulership sign of Pisces on December 1. It will stay direct until June 28, 2022.
Neptune is the planet that governs our dreams, subconscious, spirituality, intuition, and how we connect with the divine/other realms. When this planet retrogrades, it can bring about confusion, deception, a sense of fogginess. On the flip side, they can be amazing opportunities to get in touch with our spiritual practices + higher self. As Neptune turns direct, we may experience a greater sense of clarity that was lacking in the previous 5 months.
12.4 - SOLAR ECLIPSE (New Moon) in Sagittarius
This solar eclipse (new moon) in Sagittarius caps off our last eclipse season of 2021. One last chance before the new year to work with our personal (natal) nodes. It also is the last eclipse that will be working with the Gemini/Sagittarius nodes for the foreseeable future.*
*If your natal nodes are in Gemini/Sagittarius this is given even extra emphasis for you - if you have questions about how to personally take advantage of this time, shoot me an email/DM and we can chat about it.
Sagittarius is a “big picture” sign, and with this new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius, we are asked to take a step back so that we may see things differently. To recognize where we have been playing small. To ask ourselves what thoughts/ideas we feel unwilling to budge on, and if there could possibly be a different way of doing things. Can we ask more of ourselves in a way that feels aligned rather than demanding?
12.13 - Mars enters Sagittarius + Mercury enters Capricorn
Mars will be in Sagittarius from December 13, 2021 - January 24, 2022.
Mars + Sagittarius = double fire. Mars is the planet of action, will, drive, courage, initiation, sexual desire/drive. When this fiery planet enters expansive Sagittarius, it motivates urges us to take risks, to seek out adventure, to learn something new. It also motivates us to allow our consciousness to expand - whether that be through traveling to a foreign country or meeting someone from a different background or learning a new language/subject. If there was ever a time to take a leap of faith, now’s your shot.
Mercury will be in Capricorn from December 13, 2021 - January 1, 2022.
With this combination, our minds (ruled by the planet Mercury) are geared towards making long-term goals and planning out how we are going to accomplish them. Capricorn is known as the CEO of the zodiac, and as such, appreciates hard work, persistence, and follow-through. Use this time to think about what you want 2022 to look like, and what practical, actionable steps you need to take to make it happen.
12.18 - Full Moon in Gemini
Final full moon of the year! And we are going out with a bang, with the sun in Sagittarius and the moon in its opposite sign, Gemini. Of all pairs of signs in the zodiac, these are the most similar (in my opinion). They are both lovers of change + variety - boredom is the death of both of these signs. They are learners, Gemini in the more bookish sense, while Sagittarius prefers more experiential learning.
This full moon forms a harmonious aspect to expansive Jupiter in innovative Aquarius. The combination of all of these energies pushes us to think outside the box. To get creative. To get curious.
12.19 - Venus goes Retrograde in Capricorn
Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn from December 19, 2021 - January 29, 2022
These Venusian retrogrades happen about once every 18 months. Venus is the planet of love + beauty + peace, and when planets go retrograde, their energy is turned inwards. Basically, Venus retrogrades tend to offer us a time for self-love. They help us connect with what we love, connect us with our hearts desires, and find beauty within ourselves. Sounds freaking amazing, right?
Well, when Venus goes retrograde on the 19th, it will be conjunct Pluto (the planet of our greatest wound/greatest power). These two planets won’t be conjunct the entire time Venus is retrograde, but they’ll be in close contact with one another for the first week. This can bring up some old wounding, which again, might not feel comfortable, but if we are able to give ourselves that self-love that Venus retrograde offers, we have the potential to find some deep healing.
12.21 - Winter Solstice aka Capricorn Season Begins
The sun will be in the sign Capricorn (aka it’s Capricorn season) from December 21, 2021 - January 18, 2022.
The shortest day of the year coincides with the start of Capricorn season - a time to get serious and focus on our long-term goals. In the northern hemisphere there is a lack of light + warmth that encourages us to stay indoors and get to work. And work is what Capricorn does best.
12.22 - The Lunar Nodes Change Signs
For the last 17 months, the lunar nodes have been in the signs of Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node). The nodes always move in a retrograde fashion, so on December 22 they will retrograde into Taurus (NN) and Scorpio (SN). They will remain in these signs until July 12, 2023 when they will shift into Aries (NN) and Libra (SN). Note: I use what is referred to as the “Mean Nodes” rather than the “True Nodes”. The “True Nodes” will make this sign change on January 18, 2022.
The nodes are a big deal, and I feel like they are finally getting a little more limelight these days. They have to do with our unresolved karma (South Node) and the remedy to that karma (North Node). They are what make eclipse seasons so powerful, because they give us an extra boost when working with these big, life-changing concepts.
When the nodes change signs from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio, we will definitely feel the shift. The Taurus/Scorpio axis will give us an opportunity to look make changes to our existing financial structures, to how we treat the planet, to how we deal with the shadows that we have swept under the rug.
If you’re interested in learning more, astrological guru Steven Forrest has a podcast on what this next 17 months has in store for us.
12.24 - Saturn (in Aquarius) + Uranus (in Taurus) Final Square of 2021
Last year, all astrologers had their eyes on 12.21 - or “The Great Conjunction”. Each year tends to bring with it at least one astrological point of focus, and for 2021, it was 3 squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus.
December 24th brings about the final in this series of 3 major squares - periods of tension that provide opportunities for major growth and change.
I wrote a post + recorded a video about what these squares mean - you can find it here.
12.28 - Jupiter enters Pisces
Jupiter will be in its rulership sign of Pisces from December 28, 2021 - May 9, 2022. It will retrograde back into Pisces later next year from October 28 - December 19.
With all of this crazy energy at the end of the year, Jupiter in Pisces should feel like a sigh of relief. A chance for collective healing - for there to be a semblance of peace in the midst of this incredibly tumultuous time. Pisces reminds us that we are more than these physical bodies, and that we are more connected than we often think (particularly at the moment it feels we are more divided than ever). Use this time to start up/double down on a meditation practice. To allow yourself time away from the chaos. To reconnect with your higher self, and connect more deeply with others.