In Conversation with… Shelby Sassin Fit Radio

I sat down with my girl Shelby to record a podcast on the basics of astrology (like what the heck is the difference between the sun, moon, and rising), the meaning of the Houses, what to expect in the upcoming weeks/year astrologically, and everything in between. There’s more in the episode than is covered below, so I’d recommend you give it a listen, but to spare you from having to take a million notes, here’s some of the info we covered:


aka “The Big Three” aka “The Primal Triad”. They are the kingpins of your birth chart.

  • SUN = the core of who we are, our identity, what gives us our sense of self, what allows us to feel centered, how we shine in the world

  • MOON = our soul, our emotional needs, how we tend to emotionally react, what/how we give ourselves (and others) love + care

  • RISING = the mask we wear, how we project ourselves into the world, the energy people feel when they first meet us


In astrology, there are 3 main components: the planets, the signs, and the houses. Steven Forrest’s The Inner Sky explains the difference between the three as:

  1. The planets represent the what - which part of the mind we are looking at.

  2. The signs represent the how and why - they let us know what needs and strategies drive the planet in question.

  3. The houses represent the where - they specify in exactly which of life’s arenas that planet-sign combination is developing.

  • HOUSE 1 = identity, how we assert ourselves

  • HOUSE 2 = self-esteem, self-worth, values, money

  • HOUSE 3 = community, communication, siblings

  • HOUSE 4 = home, family

  • HOUSE 5 = inner child, joy, creative self-expression

  • HOUSE 6 = daily habits, routines, health, mentors/teachers, how we are of service to others

  • HOUSE 7 = intimate relationships, partnership, projections

  • HOUSE 8 = depth, transformation, shadow-work

  • HOUSE 9 = travel, beliefs, exploration, expansion of consciousness

  • HOUSE 10 = career, our mission, who we are on the world’s stage

  • HOUSE 11 = hopes, long-term dreams, fellowship

  • HOUSE 12 = spirituality, retreat, unconscious, how we connect with the Divine


As always with astrology, there are lots of moving pieces. Each month I put up a new post on the major dates to look out for, and what they mean, so you can always come back to my website to check those out. The below dates are those that popped into my mind as important things to be aware of in the coming weeks/year ahead.

12.28 - Jupiter enters Pisces

Jupiter will be in its rulership sign of Pisces from December 28, 2021 - May 9, 2022. It will retrograde back into Pisces later next year from October 28 - December 19.

With all of this crazy energy at the end of the year, Jupiter in Pisces should feel like a sigh of relief. A chance for collective healing - for there to be a semblance of peace in the midst of this incredibly tumultuous time. Pisces reminds us that we are more than these physical bodies, and that we are more connected than we often think (particularly at the moment it feels we are more divided than ever). Use this time to start up/double down on a meditation practice. To allow yourself time away from the chaos. To reconnect with your higher self, and connect more deeply with others.

1.2 - New Moon in Capricorn

New moons are times for setting intentions. For planting seeds that we want to grow. For introspection.

Capricorn is an extremely goal-driven sign. It reminds us that we can achieve whatever we want to, as long as we have a plan/system/structure in place and the willingness to continue to put one foot in front of the other, even during the difficult moments.

This new moon is a great time to plan out what we want the upcoming year to look like. A time to ask ourselves: What do we want to accomplish? What goals do we want to set for ourselves? How do we show up + relate to our work? What systems can we create to get done all that we want to do? Are there any structures/systems in our lives that need to be created/destroyed?

1.14 - First Mercury Retrograde of the Year

Our first Mercury Retrograde of 2022 will happen from January 14 - February 3. If you’re like “wtf is Mercury Retrograde?”, read this.

Mercury will start out in Aquarius and then retrograde back into Capricorn on January 25. When it does, this is likely when we will see the effects of Mercury Retrograde on business, since Capricorn rules the business world. Be extra mindful from Jan 25 - Feb 3 that you are double checking emails + content + internal/external workplace communication.

Another thing to note is that Venus is also retrograde during this Mercury Retrograde cycle, which means we can expect exes or unhealed relationships from the past to come up. There may be an urge to reach out to them (or they may reach out to you) but I would recommend waiting for Mercury Retrograde to be over and then see how you feel (if you still want to reach out or respond).

2.3 - All Planets Direct

All planets will be direct (aka none will be retrograde) from February 3 - April 29, 2022.

When all planets are direct, there is a lot of forward momentum. None of the planets are retrograde, so it’s a time period of “full steam ahead”. It’s a great window of opportunity for getting shit done. Use the new moon in Capricorn (January 2) to set out goals for the upcoming year, and then really get after them during this timeframe when all planets are direct.


If you wan to learn more about astrology, I’d recommend getting off Co-Star / The Pattern, and checking out some of the below resources instead.


January 2022 Astrology


December Astrology