Astrological Happenings for the Final Quarter of 2021


My dear friend Caitlin has invited me to be a recurring guest on her podcast to discuss the upcoming astrological forecast each quarter. We will be covering the major astrological happenings and how to prepare for/what to expect from them, as well as answer any other questions that are sent in before we record (shoot me an email or DM me on insta with any questions you may have). Here is what to expect for the upcoming months…


On the 22nd, we move out of analytical Virgo and into peaceful Libra season. Libra is known as the harmonizer, the peacekeeper, the relationship-maker of the zodiac. It is the sign most closely associated with art + beauty + love, and those themes will be highlighted during the month that the sun moves through Libra.

9.27 - Mercury goes Retrograde in Libra

Mercury goes retrograde in Libra from September 27 - October 18.

Our final Mercury Retrograde of the year! This year has been fascinating, as each Mercury Retrograde has occurred in an air sign (the first was in Aquarius, the second in Gemini, and this final round in Libra).

Mercury retrogrades are a time to go inwards - to review, reflect, reassess. With this final round, we are asked to look at our relationship dynamics. To get a better understanding of how we communicate (or don’t) with those we are intimate with. To find the balance between radical honesty and diplomacy. To get our point across in ways that whoever we are in communication with can actually understand and digest. And to hold space for others to be able to share openly with us as well. Basically, communication in relationships is the theme of this last retrograde.

And to add in a lil extra spice, Venus will be in Scorpio until October 7. This stretch of time will give us the chance to face the more shadowy sides of our relationships. To deal with things that we haven’t wanted to look at in the past, and to invite a deeper level of honesty + intimacy into all our relationships.

*I’d highly recommend stream-of-consciousness journaling to gain some clarity around what is coming up for you during this time.*

10.6 - New Moon in Libra

New moon (aka the sun + moon are both…) in Libra there is yet another focus on relationships. New moons provide a blank slate that asks us to go inwards and get clear on what it is we want to fill that space with. Being in the relationship-oriented sign of Libra, we are given another opportunity to be quiet + still with ourselves, so that we may gain clarity around how we want our relationships to look + feel.

And this particular new moon forms a conjunction with Mars + Mercury both in Libra as well, spurring us to take action to make the necessary changes and speak our truth to those we are in relationship with.

10.20 - Full Moon in Aries

The tail end of Libra season will coincide with a powerful full moon in Aries. During full moons, the sun + moon are in opposite signs, and we tend to experience more heightened emotions because there is a natural tension between opposing signs. They have different motivations and ways of viewing the world, and they’re each pulling us in opposite directions.

During this full moon, the sun will be in Libra, while the moon will be in Aries. Aries full moons are notoriously fiery, as we combine the energy of the warrior (Aries) with the planet of our emotions (moon). We will be asked to find the balance between asserting our individual wants/needs (Aries) and making space for the wants/needs of those we are in relationship with (Libra).

If we can find a way to integrate both energies, we have the opportunity to come away from this full moon with relationships where both parties feel fully seen + heard, and have their needs met.


Scorpio is the sign of depth and transformation, and during Scorpio season we are given opportunities to do shadow work. To go down to the depths that we don’t often explore, to face our shadows head on, and to bring light to the truth. Rather than running from or avoiding what comes up, can we instead allow our emotions to flow through us? To pay attention, ask questions, and dig a little deeper. True, deep healing is the gift of this time of year (but I’m not promising it will feel comfortable in the moment..).

11.4 - New Moon in Scorpio

This new moon in Scorpio is again, all about shadow work. It is about going inwards (new moons are always a time for introspection) and facing ourselves. Being radically honest with ourselves. Giving ourselves the space to sit with some potentially uncomfortable emotions.

To the degree, this new moon will be directly opposed by Uranus in Taurus, and will also make a wide conjunction to Mars in Scorpio. This could bring to light areas where we feel stuck in patterns or behaviors that, while comfortable, aren’t serving our growth and evolution. And Mars is there to light a fire under our asses to make the changes we need to get unstuck, and to embody that brave warrior energy (Mars is the god of war) allowing us to rise to the occasion.

11.19 - LUNAR ECLIPSE (Full Moon) in Taurus

Oooooh baby eclipse season is back. From November 19 through December 4, we will be in an “eclipse portal” - a period of time that gives us an opportunity to work with our karmic paths and evolution.

Eclipses (can) occur when the sun + moon get within 17 degrees of the lunar nodes (the highest + lowest points of the moon’s elliptical). The lunar nodes have to do with our karma/comfort zone (South Node) and our dharma/purpose (North Node). During these 2 week windows that are bookended by eclipses, we have the chance to work with our personal lunar nodes. To grossly oversimplify, the idea is to move away from South Node tendencies and towards embodying our North Node more fully.*

*PS this is the work of a lifetime, but if we take advantage of eclipse portals, we have the chance to progress further on this journey.

This particular lunar eclipse is interesting because the sun/moon are in a different sign combination than the nodes (what we call an “out of sign” aspect). The sun/moon are at the last degrees of Taurus/Scorpio, and the nodes are in the first degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius. In January, the eclipses will retrograde (they basically always move in a retrograde direction) into Taurus/Scorpio. That probably all sounded like a shit ton of jargon, but basically, this lunar eclipse in Taurus will give us a sneak peak of what next year’s eclipse seasons hold for us.


Sagittarius is known as the gyspy or the philosopher of the zodiac. It is all about the expansion of our consciousness, and associated with many thing that are avenues for that. Things like travel, higher education, learning new languages, and on and on. During Sagiattarius season, it is a good time for us to get out of our normal day-to-day bubble. To learn something new. To go somewhere new. To explore ideas and concepts that are foreign to us.

12.4 - SOLAR ECLIPSE (New Moon) in Sagittarius

This solar eclipse (new moon) in Sagittarius caps off our last eclipse season of 2021. One last chance before the new year to work with our personal (natal) nodes. It also is the last eclipse that will be working with the Gemini/Sagittarius nodes for the foreseeable future.*

*If your natal nodes are in Gemini/Sagittarius this is given even extra emphasis for you - if you have questions about how to personally take advantage of this time, shoot me an email/DM and we can chat about it.

Sagittarius is a “big picture” sign, and with this new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius, we are asked to take a step back so that we may see things differently. To recognize where we have been playing small. To ask ourselves what thoughts/ideas we feel unwilling to budge on, and if there could possibly be a different way of doing things.

12.18 - Full Moon in Gemini

Final full moon of the year! And we are going out with a bang, with the sun in Sagittarius and the moon in its opposite sign, Gemini. Of all pairs of signs in the zodiac, these are the most similar (in my opinion). They are both lovers of change + variety - boredom is the death of both of these signs. They are learners, Gemini in the more bookish sense, while Sagittarius prefers more experiential learning.

This full moon forms a harmonious aspect to expansive Jupiter in innovative Aquarius. The combination of all of these energies pushes us to think outside the box. To get creative. To get curious.

12.19 - Venus goes Retrograde in Capricorn

Okay SO when I talked about this on the podcast, I was speaking more generally to what Venus retrogrades typically look like. Venus is the planet of love + beauty + peace, and when planets go retrograde, their energy is turned inwards. Basically, Venus retrogrades tend to offer us a time for self-love. They help us connect with what we love, connect us with our hearts desires, and find beauty within ourselves. Sounds freaking amazing, right?

Well, when Venus goes retrograde, it will be conjunct Pluto (the planet of our greatest wound/greatest power). These two planets won’t be conjunct the entire time Venus is retrograde, but they’ll be in close contact with one another for the first week. This can bring up some old wounding, which again, might not feel comfortable, but if we are able to give ourselves that self-love that Venus retrograde offers, we have the potential to find some deep healing.


October Astrology: Forward Momentum, a Spicy Full Moon, and Scorpio Season


September Astrology: A Hefty Dose of Relationship Energy