July Astrology : 8 Days of Transitions

7.9 - New Moon in Cancer

New moon (aka the sun + moon are both…) in Cancer. If you’re not already feeling the Cancer feels, this new moon will surely bring them. Stay tuned for a full post about this closer to time, but for now, clear your calendars and give yourself the day to rest and feel your feels from the comfort of your own home.

7.11 - Mercury enters Cancer

Mercury will be in Cancer from July 11 - 27.

The planet of communication in the sign of the nurturer. Cancer is known for its sensitivity (which is something that we might need to be aware of during this 2.5 week period), but as a cardinal sign it also feels the need to take action. Be mindful of staying grounded in our emotions while also taking initiative to let others in on what we may need, or being open to what they may need from us.

7.21 - Venus moves into Virgo

Venus is in Virgo from July 21 - August 15.

The planet of relationships in the sign of the perfectionist. This could be a wonderful time to work on our relationships. To see where the wholes may be, and to do our best to fill them. That being said, it’s important to notice when we are being nit-picky or overly critical (both towards ourselves and towards others) during this time.

7.22 - Leo season begins

Leo season this year spans from July 22 - August 22.

On the 22nd we will move from watery, emotional Cancer to fiery, exuberant Leo season. This time of year is perfect for putting ourselves out there. For allowing ourselves to shine. To be seen, to be heard, to be big + bold + bright. To play. To get in touch with our inner child.

It’s important to give space for others to do the same during this time. To spread the generosity that is inherent (but often overlooked) to Leo.

I’ll share more about this vibrant sign when we get closer to the shift of seasons.

7.23 - Full Moon in Aquarius

Full moon in Aquarius.

This will be an interesting full moon, to say the least. The moon will be conjunct Saturn (the planet of boundaries and restrictions) as well as Pluto (the planet of wounding and power). The sun will be conjunct Mercury (the planet of communication).

Full moons are notorious for having heightened energies around them, and this one is no different. We will need to be mindful of how we communicate with others, and be present to what is coming up for us on a deeper level. More to come on this in a full post closer to time.

7.27 - Mercury moves into Leo

Mercury is in Leo from July 27 - August 11.

The planet of communication moves into the bright + vivacious sign of the lion. Similar to what I said about Leo season in general, it is a great time to allow ourselves to be heard. To shine. To put ourselves out there in ways that we might normally shy away from.

Leo can sometimes slip into putting on a show in lieu of being truly authentic, so just be aware if you notice yourself saying things simply for reaction, rather than honoring your true feelings and intentions.

7.28 - Jupiter moves back into Aquarius

Jupiter will remain in Aquarius until December 28.

Last month (June 20) Jupiter went retrograde, and started “moving backwards” through the first few degrees of Pisces. This month it will move from Pisces back into Aquarius, where it will stay through the end of the year.

Jupiter in Aquarius is all about tapping into our authentic individuality, and using our innate gifts to better society as a whole. It is about not being afraid of letting our “freak flag fly”. Not shying away from the parts of ourselves that others might deem to be “different or weird or too much”. It’s about being ourselves, and encouraging + holding space for others to do the same.

7.29 - Mars moves into Virgo

Mars will be in Virgo from July 29 - September 14.

The planet of action in the sign of perfection. This time will motivate us to cross our t’s and dot our i’s. To actually do the 7 million things that we have been talking about doing but haven’t taken action on. To clearly see the areas in our lives that need a little sprucing up, and to actually do something about them.

Similar to what I said about Venus in Virgo, it is important to be mindful of over-analyzing and being critical (of ourselves and others). To remember that everything doesn’t have to be perfect, but as long as we are putting in the work to do + be better, that’s all that matters.

1 July Astrology INSTA (1).png

July’s New Moon in Cancer : Turning Feelings into Action


June’s Full Moon in Hard-Working Capricorn