August Astrology: a New Moon on Lion’s Gate, a Blue Moon, and so much more…
8.8 - New Moon in Leo + Lion’s Gate
New moon (aka the sun + moon are both…) in Leo. AND this month’s new moon happens to be on the exact day as Lion’s Gate - a portal that occurs when the sun + Sirius (the second brightest star behind the sun) are aligned. New Moons and our yearly Lion’s Gate portal are both potent times for manifestation. More on that to come closer to time..
8.11 - Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury will be in Cancer from August 11 - August 29.
The planet of communication in the detail-oriented sign of Virgo. It’s a time to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. To get things in order. To organize your life + your brain. Use this time to create systems for yourself. To do all the little things you’ve been putting off.
8.16 - Venus enters Libra
Venus is in Virgo from August 16 - September 10.
The planet of relationships in the sign of relationships. Venus is the ruler of Libra (and Taurus) and LOVES being in either of those signs. This is a time to pour into relationships. To give, but also receive, love. Very often we think of expressing our love to others, and but it is equally as important to be open to receive the love that others show to us.
8.20 - Uranus goes Retrograde in Taurus
Uranus will be retrograde in Taurus from August 20 through January 18 of next year.
This entire year, the planet of change has been moving through the sign of stability. Uranus doesn’t exactly love being in Taurus. They have different energies, different agendas. Taurus wants things to be peaceful, calm, and steady. Uranus wants to come in and shake shit up. This year, that tension has been one of the major astrological themes.
When a planet goes retrograde, its typically outward energy is turned inwards instead. During these next 5 months while Uranus is retrograde, it’s a time to look inward. To evaluate where we are sacrificing our individuality for the sake of comfort. Where we are allowing ourselves to stay stuck, because what we know is less scary than change. It’s a time to get real with ourselves, and to make the necessary changes so that we can move forward with more freedom and autonomy in our lives.
8.22 - Full (Blue) Moon in Aquarius
The second full moon in Aquarius - aka a blue moon.
Last month we opened Leo season with our first full moon in Aquarius, and this month’s full moon will come right at the tail end, before we move into Virgo season.
The energetics will be similar to the first, but amplified, with the moon being conjunct Jupiter (the planet of expansion) in Aquarius as well. Jupiter expands whatever energy it’s in, so with Jupiter in Aquarius, we are asked to allow our unique individuality to shine through. To get in touch with our true nature. To let go of the need to people-please. To let go of the need to conform.
More to come.
8.23 - Virgo season begins
Virgo season spans from August 23 - September 21 this year.
On the 23rd we move out of self-focused Leo season and into more service-oriented Virgo season. This transition is about taking all of the vivacious + vibrant Leo energy and bringing it down to earth in ways that allow us to be of service to others.
More to come.
8.30 - Mercury enters Libra
Mercury will be in Libra from August 30 - November 5.
Mercury normally stays in a sign for about 20ish days, but it will be in Libra for so long because it goes retrograde from September 27 - October 18. This year, all 3 retrograde cycles have/will occur(ed) in air signs. This final one in Libra closes out the MR’s for 2021.
Mercury in Libra is about holding two equal but opposite truths. About looking at things from all sides. About steering away from dogmatism and righteousness and instead using our mental energy to see the full picture. To understand the viewpoint of another. To be fair and judicious in our thoughts and decisions.