April Astrology

7 Days in April to Keep Your Eye On

I wanted to give an abbreviated breakdown of the main astrological dates for the month ahead to give you a general overview of what to expect! I could go on for days about what each of these transitions means, but for the sake of our ever-shrinking attention spans, I boiled them down as much as I could. If you have any questions, email me at itskristinstephens@gmail.com.

4.4 - Mercury moves into Aries

Mercury moves out of Pisces and into Aries on April 4th. It will stay in Aries from the 4th through the 19th, when it moves into Taurus (more on that below). Mercury is the planet of communication. Aries is the sign of the warrior. When we have this combination of planet + sign, it speaks to direct communication. If you have something you want to say, that 2 week period is a good time to say it, I would just be mindful that you come at it from a more grounded/steady place, because Aries can sometimes make us a littttttttle reactive.

4.11 - New Moon in Aries

I will do a whole post on this when it gets closer to time, but just a brief overview. The sun + moon will both be in Aries, as will: Mercury (like I talked about above); Venus, the planet of relationships; and Chiron, the astroid known by astrologers as “The Wounded Healer”. That’s a lot of Aries. And although new moons are a time for introspection, there will still be a lot of fiery energy in the air. More on that to come.

4.14 - Venus moves into Taurus

Venus moves out of Aries and into Taurus. Venus rules Taurus + Libra, so when it finds itself in either of its rulership signs, it enjoys being there. It’s comfortable in both Taurus + Libra, whereas it’s not so comfortable in Aries (the planet of relationships has a tough time in the sign of “the self”). So having just been in passionate + fiery Aries, this transition to Taurus can bring more peace + sensuality into relationships. Taurus is all about enjoying life’s simple pleasures - good food, good drinks, good sex, good company - so while Venus is in Taurus (April 14 - May 8), it’s a good time to really luxuriate in all of those things. And it’s a good time to pour into our relationships - whether they be romantic partnerships, friendships, or the relationship you have with yourself (the most important of all).

4.19 - Taurus season begins + Mercury moves into Taurus

I’ll do a whole post on Taurus season closer to time and will focus a bit more on Mercury’s transition here. So on the 19th, Mercury moves from energetic Aries to grounded Taurus. When Mercury is in Aries, it gives our minds tons of energy to think of new ideas, things we want to start, things we want to take action on. When it moves into Taurus, we have the ability to take all that abundant mental energy and grounds it, so that we can do something with it. Like all earth signs, Taurus is very logical + practical + pragmatic, and when the planet that rules the mind is in Taurus, we have the ability to look at life through that lens.

4.23 - Mars moves into Cancer

Mars, the planet of action + will + drive + aggression, moves into Cancer. Cancer is a water sign. It’s a sensitive sign. It’s the sign most closely associated with the home + family. And to be honest, aggressive Mars doesn’t really love being in sensitive Cancer. So during this time (until June 11), notice if you feel a little more emotionally reactive. It’s also a good time, if you can, to be with family, or to take action to make your home a space that you really love to be in.

4.26 - Full Moon in Scorpio

This will likely be a rather intense full moon for a number of reasons. First, Scorpio is an intense sign. Second, the other planetary aspects add to the intensity. The moon will be in Scorpio, and will oppose not only the sun but also Uranus (the planet of change and unpredictability) + Mercury + Venus. Again, I’ll do a whole post on this closer to time.

4.27 - Pluto goes Retrograde in Capricorn

For the rest of the year, at least 1 planet will be retrograde in the sky. We are finished with all planets being direct. On the 27th Pluto, the planet of power + transformation, goes retrograde in Capricorn, the sign of ambition + goal setting + discipline. And when planets go retrograde, rather than the energy being expressed outwardly, it turns more inward. Retrogrades are always a time to review, reflect, and reassess. So when Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn, it is a time to reflect on how we are using our power and if that is in alignment with our long-term goals.


April’s New Moon in Aries


March’s Full Moon in Libra