February’s Full Moon in Virgo
February 27, 2021 - Full Moon in Virgo
Virgo is an earth sign. It is grounded, logical, practical, and pragmatic. It's very detail-oriented and is associated with our daily habits and routines.
One of Virgos archetypes is the perfectionist and while that's not wrong, it also misses the bigger picture. Virgo's "pursuit of perfection" stems from the ability to see things very clearly - to see things for what they are - and to also see the potential in everything.
Virgo is motivated to bring things from their current state up to their potential.
So with that "pursuit of perfection", Virgo encompasses a powerful force for change. On top of that, this particular full moon forms a harmonious trine to Uranus - the planet of change - spurring us further in that direction.
Virgo is associated with our daily habits + routines. Are there changes we need to make to our habits/routines that will allow us to move towards our potential? And can we do so in a way that is not self-critical, but rather self-empowering?
Virgo is a magnet for duty and responsibility, and anytime there is strong Virgo energy in the sky, there can be a tendency to add to our already endless to-do list.
Keeping in mind that full moons are a time to release and let go of what is no longer serving us, rather than adding to our lists, can we instead look more closely at where we are spending our precious time + energy.
Are there things on our to-do lists that we can let go of to make way for what is actually fulfilling to our souls and will help us on our path to purpose?
journal prompts:
how am I spending my time + energy? is it in alignment with the direction I want to be headed?
are there changes that need to be made in my daily habits + routines that will allow me to move towards my potential?
how can I make these changes from a place of self-empowerment rather than self-criticism?
how can I care for and love myself more deeply?